Thursday, November 21, 2019

Team Building 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Building 1 - Essay Example 2. Self-Directed Teams: Self Directed teams are self-managed and take the responsibility of completely managing the entire work segments or processes. In general, these are highly experienced, skilled and knowledgeable groups having considerable power in terms of directing, making decisions and ownership of the entire job (West, 2012) . Self directed teams can be found in companies as teams handling an entire production line or an entire category of brand. A self-directed team can be best utilized by cross-training activities that will help them in mastering their job. Cross-training will also allow better flexibility within the team thereby generating higher performance among team members (Cook, Mangla & Ummer, 2009). 3. Decision team: Decision teams are often found in highest positions in an organization. For instance, the board of directors or strategic management team handle importance decision making task such as setting organizational objectives, long-term and short term vision and strategies for sales and development of products and services. This team is also generally in charge of the strategic and financial plans. The decision team can be best utilized in creating external corporate contacts and developing networks for funding and long-term development and sustainability of the organization (Dyer, W.G., Dyer, Jr & Dyer, G. H. 2007). After consulting with numerous teams and conducting extensive research on the performance, analysts have discovered four â€Å"Cs† which teams need to understand as well as manage for achieving a superior performance. The four Cs are as follows; 1. Context: Context for teams refers to environment within the organization wherein a team must act. High performance teams are known to manage context in an efficient manner by 1) establishing team goals that are measurable, compelling and clear, 2) Making team work a critical component for achieving

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