Monday, November 4, 2019

Aristotle's Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aristotle's Responsibility - Essay Example If a person put his hand up and another one comes along and pulls it down that act could be described as an involuntary action. Conversely, if a person gave another food or drink that resulted in killing him unknowingly then, that could be said to be an involuntary action. Thus, an involuntary action does not shape the quality of a person as it is not an action that is done out of will (Höffe 97). Voluntary actions practiced by human beings shape their character, and how they deal with others, thus making some of them appear just, and others unjust depending on the situation that they are associated with. Apparently, actions shape peoples’ character and define them as who they are with regard to what they do. For instance, a harpist is a character that is associated with playing the harp, not by just theoretically being a harpist. The constant practicing and perfecting of playing the harp are what causes someone to be a harpist. None of the human being’s virtues of character come naturally. If anything, human beings are born with the ability to acquire them, and then use them through habits (Höffe 107). Never the less, habits allow us to perform virtues, but habituation cannot bring something by nature from one condition into another. According to Aristotle, the objection made at 1114B denotes that no one is answerable for their deeds because they feel their actions are the best for them. Any person who has the normal character to perform what is best for him or she automatically becomes a good person. Coincidentally, how a conclusion appears to someone is natural. This means that the purpose for everything someone does primarily appears as a good idea to them. People do not understand the impact of their actions but are more interested in attaining their means (Höffe 103).

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