Saturday, May 16, 2020

Love Love For God Or For One Another - 1574 Words

Love comes in various types and forms. The same love someone might feel for a friend isn’t the same as the love a person might feel for a partner or a tv show or a family member. There are various terms for different types of love, Agape, Eros, Storge, Mania, Pragma, Ludus and Philia are the six main types of love that people experience. Agape is allegedly the highest form of love, it’s unconditional love that people will love the other person no matter what, it surpasses physical love and enters into spiritual love. Love for God or for one another. Eros is love that is of love and erotic or intimate love, in which it focuses primarily on beauty or physical attraction sexually. Storge, is a slow growing love for family, friends and commitment and similar interests rather than passion. Mania is the love of wanting to be loved and being extremely possessive and obsessively jealous, seeing themselves as special. Pragma relies on logic and background, the love type wants ev erything in their relationship to work out and everything desired to be filled. Ludus love is love that requires an aspect of entertainment from each other, and as long as the partners are interesting they will stay with them. Finally, Philia, is the love for ‘brothers’ or being in a team or group, working together and loving who they work with. The question is: What type of Love had the most impact for Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston? Tea Cake s love had the most influenceShow MoreRelated The Greatest Of These Is Love Essay996 Words   |  4 Pageshope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13) No matter how anointed we are in our preaching, teaching, evangelizing, ministering, etc ... there is no greater evidence of our knowledge of God than how we LOVE one another. Love comes from God and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows Him. 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