Friday, December 20, 2019

Literature Review The Great Thing About It Essay

Our world as we know it is fascinating, multifaceted, and cultured because of the literary aura that has been present throughout time. Just like the people that fill our world, some literature has been hurtful, some is beneficial to certain groups and cultures, and some is for pure entertainment. However, the great thing about it is that literature has the ability to connect any form of art through the past and present. Literature has no age and therefore can speak to generations and help enlighten future leaders of communities. No matter the topic, there is always a way to connect the piece of literature, whether that be a song, poem, or script, to the conditions of society. In the lives of African Americans, this idea of literature being a centerpiece of culture has continued in the past and into the present. Writers, songwriters, and poets alike all share a commonality that unites the African American community through similar aspirations, realizations, and views of the world arou nd them. The circumstance in most literature of the past done by African Americans shares what their place in American society is like. Literature acted, at the time, as a glue that kept thoughts and morals together in the African American community in America. Today, African American culture is shared through various forms of illumifying arts that have roots given by the African American literary leaders of the past. 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