Friday, August 2, 2019

Alexander G. Bell :: essays research papers

April I87I Alexander Bell mooves ot Boston where again he teaches deaf people at the Clarke School for Deat Mutes, Boston Massachustets and also the American Asylum for the Death, Hartford Connecticut I873 Alexander Bell becomes a Professor of Elocution and Vocal Physiology for the University of Boston two of his death students will be of vital importance to the invention of the phone, having wealthy parents they get Alexander Bell into contact with people that have money to finance his invention Mabbel Hubbard, his future wife and daughter of the attorney Gardiner Green Hubbard George Sanders, son of Leather business man Thomas Sanders teacher Alexander Bell mai I874 Alexander Bell and ear doctor Clarence Blake experiment around the mechanics of the human ear. With the help of the phonautograph they want to represent the sound by graphics while shopping in Charles William's electrician shop in Boston Aleaxnder Bell meets a young electrician Thomas Watson in the summer Alexander Bell has an idea .... but how to make this funny idea work some money is necessary to finance the experiments luckily there was Mabel Hubbard ..... an idea: The Telegraph, using dot-and-dash Morse codes was limited to receiving and sending one message at a time. Woudn't there be a possibility to transmit multiple messages at the same time over the same wire ? Alexander Bell's extensive knowledge of the nature of sound gave him the idea to transmit multiple messages at the same time his 'harmonic Telegraph' was based on the Principle that several codes would be sent simoultaneously if notes and signals differed in pitch when Alexander Bell began experimenting the Telegraph, next to the Post was the current means of communication. Mabel convinces her father Gardiner Huddard to finance the experiment feb 27 I875 a business venture, Bell Patent Association is signed between Alexander Bell, Thomas Sanders and Gardiner G Hubbard experimenting, experimenting, experimenting and November 25 I875 a first result .... not the invention, but Alexander Bell and Mabel Hubbard get engaged .... and finally Bell's telephone patent is widely considered to be the most valuable patent ever issued it was followed by hundreds of legal suits Phonebook of the World was surprised to hear from a visitor of the Website that Philipp Reis had already presented a similar invention I5 years earlier october 26 I86I february I4 I876 in the US Patent Office a certain patent n ° I74 465 gets filed luckily it didn't take any longer imagine only 3 hours later ! Elisha Gray, a different inventor working completely independently files another pattern related to the telephone Alexander Bell's patent is accepted march 7 I876 assistant Thomas A Watson neither Alexander Bell's nor Elisha Gray's theories of the phone were working ... but only a month later march I0 I876 . Alexander G. Bell :: essays research papers April I87I Alexander Bell mooves ot Boston where again he teaches deaf people at the Clarke School for Deat Mutes, Boston Massachustets and also the American Asylum for the Death, Hartford Connecticut I873 Alexander Bell becomes a Professor of Elocution and Vocal Physiology for the University of Boston two of his death students will be of vital importance to the invention of the phone, having wealthy parents they get Alexander Bell into contact with people that have money to finance his invention Mabbel Hubbard, his future wife and daughter of the attorney Gardiner Green Hubbard George Sanders, son of Leather business man Thomas Sanders teacher Alexander Bell mai I874 Alexander Bell and ear doctor Clarence Blake experiment around the mechanics of the human ear. With the help of the phonautograph they want to represent the sound by graphics while shopping in Charles William's electrician shop in Boston Aleaxnder Bell meets a young electrician Thomas Watson in the summer Alexander Bell has an idea .... but how to make this funny idea work some money is necessary to finance the experiments luckily there was Mabel Hubbard ..... an idea: The Telegraph, using dot-and-dash Morse codes was limited to receiving and sending one message at a time. Woudn't there be a possibility to transmit multiple messages at the same time over the same wire ? Alexander Bell's extensive knowledge of the nature of sound gave him the idea to transmit multiple messages at the same time his 'harmonic Telegraph' was based on the Principle that several codes would be sent simoultaneously if notes and signals differed in pitch when Alexander Bell began experimenting the Telegraph, next to the Post was the current means of communication. Mabel convinces her father Gardiner Huddard to finance the experiment feb 27 I875 a business venture, Bell Patent Association is signed between Alexander Bell, Thomas Sanders and Gardiner G Hubbard experimenting, experimenting, experimenting and November 25 I875 a first result .... not the invention, but Alexander Bell and Mabel Hubbard get engaged .... and finally Bell's telephone patent is widely considered to be the most valuable patent ever issued it was followed by hundreds of legal suits Phonebook of the World was surprised to hear from a visitor of the Website that Philipp Reis had already presented a similar invention I5 years earlier october 26 I86I february I4 I876 in the US Patent Office a certain patent n ° I74 465 gets filed luckily it didn't take any longer imagine only 3 hours later ! Elisha Gray, a different inventor working completely independently files another pattern related to the telephone Alexander Bell's patent is accepted march 7 I876 assistant Thomas A Watson neither Alexander Bell's nor Elisha Gray's theories of the phone were working ... but only a month later march I0 I876 .

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