Friday, July 26, 2019

Similarities And Differences Between The Scientific Method And The Essay

Similarities And Differences Between The Scientific Method And The Religion Method - Essay Example Myths generally are stories that seek to answer the questions of who we are as human beings, and our purpose in the world; myths also seek to answer questions on the origin and the nature of the world. Examples of myths in religion are the creation myths and the hero myths. The sacred time refers to the time when the sacred manifested. Every religion has sacred time and sacred time is considered a very important element of religion. Examples of the sacred space are the Hindu Temples, Christian Cathedrals, and the Islam Mosques. Having looked both at the definition of religion and also at the phenomenology of religion, let us now look at mysticism, as the methodological heart of religion. The mysticism proceeds through drawing conclusions from general and abstract premises, while the scientific method proceeds through drawing conclusions from specific and empirical data. Many fundamental truths in religion are perceived through mysticism. Looking at the similarities and the differences between the religion method and the scientific method, I am not sure which is most fundamental. This because on the one hand, the similarities between the two methods of knowledge seem quite significant; and the two methods seem complimentary in helping us to know the world and ourselves better. On the other hand, the differences also seem quite fundamental because the two methods of knowledge are based on completely different methodology, the mysticism method uses deductive method while the scientific method uses the inductive method.

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